Share your Discovery instantly and securely

Automatically track access and log actions with no limits on file type or size. And it's CJIS compliant.

An illustrated laptop with a yellow  easy button in place of enter on the keyboard

Easy to use

If you have ever searched for something on Google or uploaded or downloaded a document,  you are more than capable of using our innovative and user-friendly software. It is designed to be accessible and intuitive. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a novice user of technology, you'll be able to use our software and get the job done efficiently and effectively.

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An illustration of file types that can be used with Pine Technologies' eDiscovery software

No limits on file size or type

Whether it's cell phone dumps, body cam videos, or a simple subpoena, we've got you covered. Our software is specifically designed to handle all sorts of files, so you never have to worry about compatibility issues or limitations. You can easily upload multiple files simultaneously and let it work its magic while you focus on other tasks. It's built to handle it all and designed to give you peace of mind. Your files will be seamlessly processed and stored, no matter the format or size.

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An illustration of a computer monitor with a mock up of the comprehensive logging records our eDiscovery provides.
An illustration of a computer monitor with a mock up of the comprehensive logging records our eDiscovery provides.

Comprehensive logging records

You can feel confident knowing that all parties have secure access to the information they need when they need it. With our robust logging system, you'll never have to worry about knowing when or if a file was downloaded; you will know exactly who downloaded which files and when. With our eDiscovery software, arguments over Discovery being delivered are a thing of the past. 

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An illustration of all the products our eDiscovery could integrate with.

Quick and easy integration

We want to make your life easier and your processes more efficient. Our innovative eDiscovery software has been built to seamlessly integrate with products you're currently using. We offer a high-level of customization to ensure it meets your unique needs and requirements. We can automate tasks to save you time and money, allowing you to focus on what really matters - ensuring cases are adjudicated fairly. With agreements in place and customizations complete, your office can go from paper to eDiscovery in a matter of hours.

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An illustration of a silver laptop. Its screen has a greige folder with a yellow lock to indicate that your files are secure.

Secure files

With the help of digital storage solutions, like our eDiscovery software, you no longer have to rely on physical storage mediums like disks, flash drives, and paper files. Rather than running all over town to deliver discovery files, once case files are uploaded to our software, authorized users will receive notification to download files. Not only will you know when case files have been accessed, you won't have to worry about files getting lost, dropped, or left behind. One of the biggest advantages of digital storage is the added layer of security it provides. Files are kept confidential and safe from unauthorized access, and access is tightly controlled. You can rest assured knowing that your files are secure and easily accessible whenever you need them. For more information on AWS GovCloud compliance, click here.

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An illustrated black laptop. Its screen is dark green and has a shield on it. The shield has a yellow-gold back with gray in the front. In the middle of the shield it says

CJIS compliant

We take your data security and storage compliance needs seriously. In order to meet those needs, our software is hosted entirely within the CJIS-compliant AWS GovCloud. Designed to provide you with the highest level of security for your data, we use end-to-end encryption to ensure that only authorized users have access to your secure discovery files. You can be certain that your data is being handled in a manner that meets all the necessary legal standards. The security of your data is our top priority. If you're looking for a reliable and secure eDiscovery system, look no further. 

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